Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Capitalism and miseries of human race.

At the end the cat is out of bag. Capitalism is on its peak. I see two classes. One is Capitalism and the other are displaced people. Capitalists from every part and nations of the world are united. They are organised and controlling not only the resources but humans too. Religions are their main tool to control the masses and use them for their own interests. The level of poverty is increasing day by day and so on the wealth of the 1%. Millions of people are displaced from their homes and land but no one has to care. Thousands dying of wars and hunger but no body has any concern. Media is focused on stock market and monitor every share. Religious institutions advertising about virgins and wine after death. But no body is ready to feed to hungry. No one is talking about the displaced people. No voice for the children who can't go to schools due to wars. Millions of people left their homes and reached Europe to find peace and bread . No one is ready to accept them and to consider them human. Even no one is ready to take the possibility about this human crises. I won't go in history back but I would like to talk about what I saw and observed during the last 4 decades. First I came to know about the displacement and killing of masses on large scale in India and Pakistan due to the partition in 1947. That was a big disaster . Millions died and millions displaced in the region who are still considered as refugees . Later on Afghan war was the worst in 1979 where Millions of afghans left their homes and started living in camps in Pakistan and Iran, later on they spread in the whole world.
After the desegregation of Soviet union, wars started in Eastern Europe and the result was the same.
Iraq war and the second phase of Afghan war also resulted in displacement and killing of millions.
Later on Arab spring , Syrian war and the rise of ISIS caused more miseries . And finally Saudi coalition forces started bombing Yemen .
Arabs , America , European Union , China , Russia and both India and Pakistan, all are involved in these human crises. All these countries working to promote capatalism and to control the resources . They don't have any religious difference but all have the same religion . And that religion is Capitalism. Capitalists of the world have one religion and that is how to make money. Let the people die. Let they become refugee. Let they remain ignorant. No matter what happens to human race but the most important is the Capitalist system and Capitalists.